One Dead, Three Rescued as Building Collapses at Sokoban Wood Village in Kumasi

A tragic incident occurred at Sokoban Wood Village in Kumasi on Sunday, October 20. A one-story building collapsed, resulting in one fatality and three individuals being rescued.

The collapse took place in the early morning, and the victims were construction workers at the site. The Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) reported that their Kejetia Fire crew promptly responded to a distress call at 2:45 a.m. Upon arrival, they found four workers trapped beneath the rubble and instantly initiated a rescue operation.

The GNFS team successfully rescued three of the trapped individuals, but unfortunately, one person was found dead at the scene. The deceased’s body was handed over to the Ghana Police Service for preservation and further investigation.

Authorities are now investigating the cause of the collapse to find out whether safety protocols were violated. In a statement, the GNFS urged construction companies and workers to strictly adhere to safety measures, emphasizing the importance of such precautions to prevent future tragedies.

“The immediate response from our team ensured three lives were saved. Nonetheless, this tragic event serves as a stark reminder of the need for all construction projects to follow safety protocols to prevent similar incidents in the future,” the GNFS stated.

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