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HomeInternationalGabon coup leaders appoint economist as interim PM.

Gabon coup leaders appoint economist as interim PM.

Gabon’s military leaders have appointed Raymond Ndong Sima as the country’s new interim prime minister.

The 68-year-old economist was a staunch opponent of deposed President Ali Bongo, even though he had served as the country’s prime minister in the past – from 2012 until 2014.

He had wanted to run in this year’s presidential election but decided to back the main opposition candidate Albert Ondo Ossa.

Earlier, the junta said it had freed deposed Mr Bongo from house arrest, where he has been since they seized power last week.

The coup was led by Gen Brice Oligui Nguema, leader of the Republican Guard, who is now president and head of state.

The prime minister usually oversees the day-to-day running of the country.



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