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Bawumia begins nationwide campaign

Vice President of the Republic and presidential candidate of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, will from Monday, 29 April 2024, begin a nationwide campaign to present what he has termed “Bold Solutions for our Future,” to the Ghanaian electorate.

In a statement dated Sunday, 28 April 2024, and signed by the director of communication for the “Bawumia Campaign,” Dennis Miracles Aboagye, the nationwide campaign tour will commence in the Eastern Region and extend to the remaining 15 regions over the next one for the first round.

“The 2024 Presidential Candidate of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia will officially kick off his presidential campaign for the December 7 general elections with his first nationwide tour from Monday, 29 April 2024. Dr Bawumia and his campaign team are promising an issue-based campaign, one that
will focus on cogent, practical, and tailor-made ideas to deal with issues that are most dear to the Ghanaian people.

“Beginning in the Eastern Region, Dr. Bawumia and his campaign team will visit all 16 regions over the next month in this first round of campaigning. On his rounds, he will meet with a wide range of stakeholders, including traditional leaders, the clergy, the youth, traders, drivers, farmers, and students, [as well as] visit businesses, including marketplaces to interact with both traders and consumers. The candidate will engage the media, hold town hall meetings, and continue with his regular stakeholder engagements with the Ghanaian people,” the statement signed by Dennis Miracles Aboagye read.

“Long before his election on November 4, 2023, and since then, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has been very active in undertaking broad consultations and interactions with various groups across the country. Apart from fulfilling his busy schedule as Ghana’s most active ever Vice President, the 2024 NPP Presidential Candidate and the Party leadership have utilized these recent months to put the structures, personnel, logistics, and programmes in place to embark on a very comprehensive, inclusive, constructive, and impactful presidential and parliamentary campaign.

“As we enter the active phase of the 2024 Election campaigning, Dr. Bawumia is buoyed up by the strong backing from our party’s grassroots and the growing enthusiasm and confidence resonating throughout the entire party. This burgeoning energy signifies our preparedness for the activities that lie ahead in the upcoming
contest” the Statement further read.

The three-prong approach 

In the Statement, Dennis Miracle indicated that the Bawumia Campaign team will approach its work with a three-point agenda as it engages the people of Ghana to ask for their vote in the 7 December 2024 presidential and parliamentary elections. first is “The Battle of Ideas and Character”, second, “The Battle of Records” and third, “The Battle of Effective Campaigning.”

The Battle of Ideas and Character

“As Ghana moves into the next phase of our development, it is more important than ever to elect a leader that holds himself to the highest standards, a man of character, performance, work ethic, vision, programmes, wisdom, decisiveness, self-discipline, integrity, and a very high credibility.

“It’s indisputable that in this regard, Dr. Bawumia emerges as the most formidable candidate. Dr Bawumia has shown in these eight years that he has more integrity, discipline, focus, ideas, and solutions than his main opponent showed in his 8 years as Vice President and President.

“It is without a doubt that, Dr. Bawumia has proven to be Solutions-oriented and remains committed to finding more solutions to Ghana’s challenges if giving the nod as President in the December 2024 elections.”

The Battle of Records

“There is no denying that there have been global economic challenges, and as a party, we recognize the hardship that this global tragedy has presented to all Ghanaians and the world at large. It is, however, important to remember and highlight the many achievements of the NPP government in these seven years in constituencies and communities and to not allow anyone to rewrite the history of the previous NDC government.

“While we are confident, we don’t have to rely on confidence alone; the numbers clearly show that the NPP government has consistently outperformed the NDC government and that it has done so despite historically unmatched global challenges. As we remind the public of our accomplishments, we clearly understand 2024 is
more about the future of our country, and the vision Dr. Bawumia has for her.”

The Battle of Effective Campaigning

As we set out to campaign for the presidency and the future of this country, we stand united and energized on a common platform. It cannot be overstated how determined and hardworking our 276 parliamentary
candidates and all our campaign teams, especially the Electoral Area and Polling Station campaign teams, are. We rely on them; we stand on their shoulders as we rise together.

“This party was built on the very idea of unity, and unity is what bonds us together as we build a future of possibilities for Mother Ghana. The big issue for 2024 comes down to the two personalities. Which of the two
main candidates, will Ghanaians want as their next leader after 2024?

“The one who was given his chance and blew it through his incompetence or the one who has shown what he can do even as a Vice President and is now asking to also be [allowed] to show what he can do as President? We are daring the main opposition Party to come to a debate on the two personalities.”

Ghanaians want answers

In conclusion, Dennis Miracles Aboagye noted in his statement that the NPP presidential candidate Dr Mahamudu Bawumia and his campaign team “invites the Ghanaian voter to focus on the credibility and
weight of the policies of each of the two foremost presidential candidates –Bawumia and Mahama.”

“In the next few months, the Bawumia campaign will humbly but decisively address all major issues facing our nation and how, with the current positive turnaround, he intends to consolidate the gains and tackle the outstanding issues head-on if given the mandate in December. He will also be asking the crucial questions:



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