Thursday, September 19, 2024
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HomeGeneralLack of Exercise escalates Glucose in the blood.

Lack of Exercise escalates Glucose in the blood.

Public health expert, Pastor Prince Akwasi Amoako has revealed that sleeping right after eating results in a rapid increase of glucose in the human blood.

He explained that even the deadly disease called diabetes can be reversed if patients who have been diagnosed with it would take their exercise routine, especially after the intake of carbohydrates seriously.

Every diabetic patient should at least walk around for 15 minutes after eating every day. This together with medication and a healthy lifestyle can help reverse the disease.

Pastor Prince Amoako said that no matter the treatment given at the hospital if one doesn’t help the condition with a healthy lifestyle and desist from laziness, there’ll be severe consequences.

He said this on “Wapumuden Tesen”, a segment on Denkyiraman’s National Agenda with Justice Oppong Mensah



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